February 12, 2011

Baked Beans, Egg & Cheese on Toast

When I'm not eating Bircher Muesli for breakfast, I'm eating this:

It certainly doesn't look very special but T and I love it! Underneath the baked beans is a double fried egg, a slice of cheese and a piece of toast. Because the other ingredients are hot, the cheese melts perfectly and the toast softens a little. It is a quick, simple breakfast (and sometimes lunch or even lazy dinner) that is tasty and nutritious.

Here you can see the melted cheese and egg. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. I was browsing the web for a good picture of beans on toast just like we eat, because I was trying to show someone that it's real dish that lots of people eat, not just us. We don't do the cheese on ours, but other than that, this is a favorite breakfast of ours- great picture, looks delicious!
